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The Realm Leaper series:

Can fate be escaped?


Join Sage and her friends as they battle against a malevelont force determined to rule not just one world, but all of them. 

Discovering the mystery of what, and who, is behind the cataclysms across the realms comes with a price. 


Will they be able to settle the debt?



The Realm Leaper series continues:

Every action has a reaction.

Every choice, a consequence.

Rogues. Bandits. Bargains. Blessings. Destiny.

It all comes at once.

Sage and Gavin have made it to Mystaira, but danger stalks them across the continent and in the shadows.

The threats are mounting throughout Panchia. Nowhere and no one is safe. 

Wave after wave of devastation hits the people of Panchia. 

But there is hope. And it can be found in the lives they’ve built for themselves.

Follow Sage and those she loves as they fight to keep their worlds free from the reign of chaos that awaits them if they fail.

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The Tree King series:

A spicy retelling of the Oak and Holly King myth.


Sadie is a small-town girl who is really, really good at two things: 1) getting into the fun kind of trouble, and 2) getting people to agree with her. The second talent comes in handy when settling fights, so it shouldn't be a surprise when the Oak King, the mythological god of Summer, visits asking for her help. 

But not everything is simple in the world of gods and mythology. The answer of who is right, Oak or Holly, proves to be a fight she might not be able to diffuse. 


Sadie will have to settle the score once and for all in her journey with the Oak and the Holly King.

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